Tuesday, June 27, 2006

27 June midnight thirty - random typing

A late , late night in SW18 a brief encounter with word processor, oh and controlled alcohol. For now it was…. a strange situation where he had become sufficiently dry to look at even supermarket booze prices and grudge the arithmetic sum total on offer! Curiously he also stayed sober enough to not enjoy over indulgence, the on set of cranial pain before sleep interruption? Was this really the turning of the corner?

Anyway, his drinking partner(s) these days were T-Total…one the young g/f as he liked to think of her, and the other woman in his shredded life – a teenage daughter whose visits were probably self serving…(he hoped they were not but reality had to be faced) Oxford Street shopping, China Town lunches …and the occasional stop over on the former display couch ..only so the shops could be attacked earlier?

Between these two little ladies – he clung onto youth and sanity.

But the internal debate, complete with gowned and wigged legal teams, took equal sides for and against ……simply asking the question “why should he cling onto youth or for that matter sanity?” Ok ,ok, the paunch acquired presumably through too many years devoted to sitting at other peoples bar entertainment was a source of private unhappiness …but everything else? On a good day he looked ……a little grey around the temples as opposed to the gills…so what? Other male contemporaries dyed their hair….and forgot their beards or was it they had forgotten their puberty? For maturity they certainly lacked. The case for the defence lay at the mercy of the court.

Capital O in Oh dear Oh dear.

Gymnasium visits had stuttered to a halt, only because a flu bug had created a temporary if phlegm filled debilitation, which also saw a hiatus from work for the first time for just how long?


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