Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Shift Manager

Correct me if I'm wrong.

I have always been of the opinion that the priveledged position of shift manager in a signalling centre is more than signalling knowledge (helps I know) but importantly, how people are treated. These people are the signalmen and women on the operating floor, not forgetting the S&T and Pway., and on a good day, a Station Supervisor who knows what he is doing.

I have been a signalman and shift manager and, gasps of amazement, a Station Supervisor in a few places.

I haven't burst (run through to southerners) any points, nor had any derailments - yes Mr Studart I have had two in a section but it was a foggy and very Scottish night and he did pass my starter at danger - today that would be called Cat A.....I did manage to put the 1015 Edinburgh - Dundee into Haymarket shed one Saturday morning many, many years ago. But that is about it., you don't really want more detail do you?

I am leaving because, I'm not sure where today's railway is going....and of course my being 453 years old is a factor. I am going to take my cameras and head for some sunshine ......I think I deserve it.

Certain peope are invited to visit......... Names? you already know who you are.

I love you Mother Victoria , when you realise that, it will be too late.

special people

Ron & Bob

we had a party last night

Friday, September 29, 2006

Lingfield Park 27 September 2006 - The Winners Enclosure

Jamie Spencer on Sotik Star

Jonjo Milczarek with Duke of Milan

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Idiot B - Apres pub

The rain had ceased to fall and a watery autumnal sun was straining through hastily departing clouds as he crossed over the High Street on leaving the confined fug of his watering hole of current choice, Idiot B wondered what to do with the rest of the P.M which stretched out before him and onto a horizon of hopelessness
"Must try and lighten up….."mmmmmmm what about a trip into town? …no maybe not …" West End pretentiousness was not best suited to his current mood, "Watching yuppies on mobiles…?" .he often wondered what they had to talk about.
So he went instead to the local St Georges Park, entering by way of Buckhold Road, and as he did so he was a thrown a sneer by four school avoiding teenagers dressed in the current baggy clothes and baseball cap existence………………….

More soon

Random Strangers

Umbrella Girl

Picadilly Circus

Some of London's magnificent architecture, looking toward Regents Street.

The Gates to Chinatown

Monday, September 25, 2006


Making these pictures small enough
to post took Innes three days to work out!!
Clare came home, pushed 2 buttons and
managed it straight away!!


Soho Strangers

Falcon Staff

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by theldirone.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Idiot B - more

The rain was spilling out of the sky as if God was tortured with grief and regret, in mourning for the humanity he had created.

Idiot B hunched against the torrent, pulling his sodden collar up around a bad haircut and unwashed neck, as the other pedestrians at first regarded, then avoided him with looks of distaste.

He had risen from a fitful slumber; the rain pattering against the grubby double glaze of his high-rise…as if beckoning him out onto the Wandsworth Streets, but for what reason?

Only in bed for a few hours, he felt the typical night duty jet lag, a bad taste swam around his mouth and a beating drum in his forehead indicated the start of another migraine which could only be cured by one thing….a number of pints in the smoke filled atmosphere of the Rose and Crown, which thankfully was only through an graffiti and rubbish strewn alley leading onto the High Street.

Urban fox stirred, observing the hunched figure passing his lair. But Idiot B, he knew posed no threat, in fact they were almost kindred spirits, seeking answers when not sure of the questions.

Inside the Rose and Crown, false bonhomie challenged cigarette smoke for superiority, the very special insincerity reserved for strangers in strange bars winning by a short head. The harsh irony of a mournful Dire Straits – You And Your Friend, the jukebox contribution to proceedings, went un-noticed by the incumbents whom even at this hour of ante meridian were at varying degrees of intoxication.

His expensive London priced lager tasted watered down, which it probably had been - a profit maximising procedure contributing to an authorities bean feast, and largely lost on the palates at this level of imbibing, for these were effect drinkers., thus as long as it induced numbing of the sense and sensibilities Idiot B really couldn’t care less, nor did his temporary acquaintances.

But to-day pint number five tasted no better than the first, his tongue was no looser, his gait no less steady….although those around him seemed to be making steady progress toward destination oblivion. What no effect? No change of perspective, or perception? Nothing seemed easier, he had not managed to inwardly resolve his most difficult personal conundrums…………which by his own admission always made the return journey hand in hand with approaching sobriety. Even the diminutive bar maid still looked ugly, although a slobbering bearded oaf draped over the fun side of the bar didn’t agree, and bizarre as it seemed, his advances went unrequited.

”What a prick” were private thoughts as Idiot B gave up on alcohol, which only ran through him and onto the stinking urinals without seemingly stopping to even leave behind the customary toxins.
to be continued


A small part of the Eastern Division.....

Originally uploaded by theldirone.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Scary man

not twenty

Scary man
Originally uploaded by theldirone.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

16 September 2006 - 20 today -ahhhh

Team Hug

Team Hug
Originally uploaded by theldirone.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Idiot B - the continuance

Sticky summer was arriving in South West London……..buildings absorbed the healthy sunlight of early day, only to spew it back post meridian – transformed as bad tempered churlish humidity – bringing out summer shirts and silly shorts.

Leisure time was spent (by those whom were staying) – sprawled amongst pavement café society, animated conversations competing with (those whom were going) droning stop start traffic of convertibles hastily converted, showing off the head scarved incumbents of pretend rich who’s packed hampers bulged credit card excess……..the exodus for the smarter parts of home county perfidy, or alternate sea shore solutions………...

But not for him………

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Mrs Doo Daa & friends - how it should be.

Sound as a pound

Some old friends

On the lash with G.D.S.


Tina & Raj

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Richard's Party part 1 - more to follow

The Leaving

An image of that distant beach
has been captured in a mega pixel minds eye…
Its molasses sunset drips onto my horizon,

I can feel the sirocco of life,
like a sirens call

Monday, September 11, 2006

Idiot B - The story continues

Smudges of cloud like dirty candy floss scudded below the level of his Wandsworth high rise – strange to be up in the heavens yet dwarfed by other buildings around. He had often wondered what it would be like if the elevator transport broke down and a shopping laden stair climb to floor ad-infinitum lay in wait.

But he liked his new home… and white as were all the new protrusions from South West Londinium. It was also surprisingly quiet when one considered the crossfire of Heathrow and South Circular…….heading all points west and freedom from urban tentacles.

Although he enjoyed the culture mix, Wandsworth was cosmopolitan to the extreme, the most common voices heard seemed to be of indeterminate Eastern Europe…..he wondered how many such people should legally be here and how many were shipped human cargo underground Eurostar skirts bound for their very own Waterloo sunset. The only downside to this ..for he would not allow racism to cloud any judgement, was a genuine language problem….where English was not the mainstream spoken tongue. The guy who cut his hair was Lebanese, his body artist , for he had found new direction in tattoo…was from Brazil………..

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Tooooo much for Dale

Meanwhile, a view from Heaven .........

Richard's last turn

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mr Richard Morant

Richard retires tonight, Saturday 9th September, after some 39 years service to our of the last shift to follow....and of course the party on Tuesday., 1300 in Yeats next to the signalling centre ......

Enjoy the rest will be sadly missed.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Richard & Louise