The rain was spilling out of the sky as if God was tortured with grief and regret, in mourning for the humanity he had created.
Idiot B hunched against the torrent, pulling his sodden collar up around a bad haircut and unwashed neck, as the other pedestrians at first regarded, then avoided him with looks of distaste.
He had risen from a fitful slumber; the rain pattering against the grubby double glaze of his high-rise…as if beckoning him out onto the Wandsworth Streets, but for what reason?
Only in bed for a few hours, he felt the typical night duty jet lag, a bad taste swam around his mouth and a beating drum in his forehead indicated the start of another migraine which could only be cured by one thing….a number of pints in the smoke filled atmosphere of the Rose and Crown, which thankfully was only through an graffiti and rubbish strewn alley leading onto the High Street.
Urban fox stirred, observing the hunched figure passing his lair. But Idiot B, he knew posed no threat, in fact they were almost kindred spirits, seeking answers when not sure of the questions.
Inside the Rose and Crown, false bonhomie challenged cigarette smoke for superiority, the very special insincerity reserved for strangers in strange bars winning by a short head. The harsh irony of a mournful Dire Straits – You And Your Friend, the jukebox contribution to proceedings, went un-noticed by the incumbents whom even at this hour of ante meridian were at varying degrees of intoxication.
His expensive London priced lager tasted watered down, which it probably had been - a profit maximising procedure contributing to an authorities bean feast, and largely lost on the palates at this level of imbibing, for these were effect drinkers., thus as long as it induced numbing of the sense and sensibilities Idiot B really couldn’t care less, nor did his temporary acquaintances.
But to-day pint number five tasted no better than the first, his tongue was no looser, his gait no less steady….although those around him seemed to be making steady progress toward destination oblivion. What no effect? No change of perspective, or perception? Nothing seemed easier, he had not managed to inwardly resolve his most difficult personal conundrums…………which by his own admission always made the return journey hand in hand with approaching sobriety. Even the diminutive bar maid still looked ugly, although a slobbering bearded oaf draped over the fun side of the bar didn’t agree, and bizarre as it seemed, his advances went unrequited.
”What a prick” were private thoughts as Idiot B gave up on alcohol, which only ran through him and onto the stinking urinals without seemingly stopping to even leave behind the customary toxins.
to be continued